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Letters from 2018 presidential candidates to SGA voters

Carter Ray: Looking forward to better days

Dear Trojans,


My name is Carter Ray, and I am eager to serve as your next SGA president if you choose to elect me.


I believe that leaders must possess several characteristics, which include courage, trust, experience, responsibility and respect.


Leaders also must be able to take action and represent all of their constituents.  I believe that I hold many of these traits, and I strive every day to better myself.


It has been my great honor and joy to serve you, and Troy University, this past year as an at-large senator in the SGA and as the president of the Freshman Forum my freshman year.


Throughout these past two years, I have had an excellent opportunity to improve student life on campus, and if I am elected, I will strive to make Troy an even better place than it is today.


As your SGA president, I anticipate to work on the following: infrastructure improvements, an increase in student participation at campus-wide organizations and events, an increase in the amount of Trojan pride and spirit that we showcase, a non-increasing tuition cost, an increase in funding for the scholarship program and to better inform the administration and Board of Trustees of issues that come up throughout the course of a semester that significantly affect students.


I was born and raised in Troy, Alabama, and I have lived here my whole life.  I have grown up knowing that Troy University is the best university in the South!


I am looking forward to even better days ahead!


Have a blessed day, and GO TROJANS!


Best regards,


Carter Ray

Gus McKenzie: Giving back with Gus

To my fellow Trojans,


Quite simply, thank you. These past three years have been an incredible blessing and it is because of Troy University, its staff and the student body that I am now wanting to continue my service to this wonderful institution.


I have had many experiences that have given me insight on issues that SGA needs to address.


I served last year as the president of Alpha Tau Omega and vice president of the Interfraternity Council.


These roles have taught me that through collaboration with other groups, organizations and leaders, excellence can be achieved, projects can be completed and goals can be accomplished.


As Freshman Forum director, I had the pleasure of working with individuals from all walks of life.


This showed me the need to truly include all students in the decisions that are made.


There are a few things that I would like to accomplish during my time in office.


One of these began while I served as Freshman Forum director, and that was an improved transportation service. If we continue to use the TransLoc app, we need increased advertising for it, better bus tracking and more reliable route times.


Students without personal vehicles could better utilize this service, which would help alleviate the parking hassle.


I realized while serving as an IMPACT leader that as the number of students keeps growing, the university needs to hire more full-time faculty.


This would help keep our student-to-professor ratio at a desirable level, as well as take the stress off the student advisement and registration process.


We have a wonderful university with great faculty and staff who listen to the students’ concerns, and I would be honored to carry that out through the role of president.


Let’s Give Back With Gus. Go Trojans!

Editor’s Note:

Troy Student Government Association elections are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 28. The Tropolitan will publish a story later today at on the SGA debates from Feb 21.

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