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  • Jill Odom

Make up snow days?

After Troy’s campus was closed for three days straight, the question remains to be answered whether students will have to make up the missed days.

Hal Fulmer, dean of undergraduate studies, said that Earl Ingram, the senior vice chancellor, will be meeting with an academic board today to discuss whether the days should be made up.

“Our primary concern is safety,” Fulmer said.

Due to that fact, snow and ice is so uncommon that there are no written procedures on what should be done. The student handbook, The Oracle, only covers how to handle thunderstorms, lightning, tornadoes and hurricanes.

According to The Oracle, faculty and students will not be penalized for absences dictated by perilous conditions.

In severe cases of inclement weather, the Office of the Provost on each campus will announce cancellation of classes through the local and regional media as well as through the university’s web sites.

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