Virginia Tilley Five professors and 12 students returned this weekend from a trip to Malaysia, where they had the opportunity to teach and interact with students abroad. In addition to sending students to study abroad each semester, Troy uses its international presence to send teachers to other countries and universities as well. Steve Stewart, an assistant professor of journalism, taught multimedia law while in Malaysia. “I’d say it was delightful and enlightening,” Stewart said of his experience. Malaysian press freedom is evolving due to leadership changes, Stewart noted. Although the press does not have as much freedom as in the U.S., they are slowly moving up. News writers and journalists are very much alike all over the world, making for a great opportunity for Stewart and his students. Phillip Mixon, an associate professor of economics and finance, taught money and banking. Joe Teng, an associate professor of information systems and quantitative mathematics, taught information systems,data analytics and business communication. Clint Relyea, an associate professor of management and marketing, taught managing in a global environment and business in society. Shari Hoppin, an associate professor of journalism, taught rhetorical and communication theory. “It’s always interesting to see new culture,” Mixon said. “It was interesting to go and see things you would never see here. “It’s an experience that everyone should at least have.” Teng, who was born in Malaysia, said every trip is an experience. “We’re on the ground for two weeks, but we leave a few days before to rest and recuperate,”Teng said. Students and faculty spent time in Kuala Lumpur, which several professors said is the most multicultural city in the world. The trip was “an opportunity to have an adventure that adds to our body of knowledge in some ways,” Relyea said. Mixon urged both students and faculty to take advantage of the opportunities Troy offers for study abroad experiences. “To say we’re a multicultural university, faculty need to actually experience more than one culture,” Mixon said. “While it’s our job to go over there and teach and transfer knowledge, ultimately it’s a win-win because we also have knowledge transferred back to us, which then we can bring back to our classroom,” Relyea said. Those interested in studying abroad through Troy can visit
Malaysia campus hosts Troy faculty, students
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