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Staff Writer

by Chloe Rensink

Troy University’s Student Government Association is host to a competition for local food trucks called March Madness: The Battle of the Food Trucks.

Each Thursday through April 4, local food trucks are welcomed in a competition to battle each other for the best-selling food items.

“We are glad to see new clientele while interacting with the students” said Jermaine Johnson, the owner of OT’s BBQ food truck.  “We even won the first day’s challenge.” 

The competition came about after a brainstorming session between members of the SGA and Troy city officials.

“Me and my committee, including the mayor, all sat down planning a way to cure the boredom of the students and locals,” said Derrick Nobles, a junior from Mobile, Alabama, and Chairman of the City Relations Committee for SGA. 

Those who attend vote for their favorite by placing an order at the food truck they favor. At the end of each day, the truck with the most sales is declared the winner. 

“I got a taco barrira from the Las Latinas Food Trailer after seeing the post on Instagram, and it was really good,” said junior Trashawn Davis.. “ I will be sure to be back for the final four in April.” 

Davis said he thought there would be more food trucks on Brundidge Street, however, some food trucks were unable to attend due to real-life madness. At the event on March 23, Earnie’s Food Truck got a nail stuck in its tire, preventing them from attending, and JShack’s food truck got stuck in sod.

However, the food trucks that participated put their game-face on for the competition.

“Seeing all these young kids out here and enjoying this nice day, makes us appreciate the love and support, ” said Evelyn Ponce, a worker for Las Latinas food trailer. “I am thankful we had the opportunity to come out here and visit Troy.” 




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