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Meet the SGA executive candidates

Interviews conducted by Tori Bedsole, Matt Firpo and Asem Abdelfattah.

Director of Administration 

Blakeley Davenport, a junior political science and communication double major from Spanish Fort, is running with a main goal of “better communicating with students.”

“I am confident that I can communicate with administration because of serving in the senate,” Davenport said. “I want to work for them (students).”

“I’ve learned how important it is to listen,” Davenport said. “I’m here to work for every student and organization if they will work with me.”

Davenport said she believes the SGA has a responsibility to guide and fight for the students.

“I think we have so many students who have a passion for the university, and we should help them find their passions,” Davenport said.

Blakelee Clack, a sophomore risk management insurance major from Dothan, said she wants to create a friendly environment for all students.

“My main goals are to continue to be an efficient communicator, to create a friendly environment that people can find their place in and to carry out the duties of secretary,” Clack said. “I really want people to know that the position goes so much further for me than just secretary.”

“The SGA office is a point of reference for new students and faculty,” Clack said. “I want to create an environment where people have a positive experience because it sets their view for Troy University.

“I want them to be affirmed in who they are.”

Kaitlin Beyler, a sophomore biomedical science major from Alabaster, said her slogan is “Dedicated, Working for You.”

“I want every student to know that I am a voice to you,” Beyler said. “I will put 110 percent of myself into what I’m doing to better the student body.

“We are here for the student body, not for ourselves.”

Beyler said that her past experiences in SGA and Freshmen Forum, and as Freshmen Forum director, make her qualified for the position.

“What is happening in SGA meetings, students need to know,” Beyler said. “I will be looking into how to better communicate with students through email or Facebook.”

“I will be approachable and available to people.”

Vice President of Campus Activities

Douglas Dick, a junior risk management insurance major from Panama City, Florida, is running for vice president of campus activities on the platform students, service, and a sweeter Troy.

“I want to really engage students,” Dick said. “I want to get feedback about what they want to see happen in campus activities.”

He wants to create a positive environment on campus through uplifting students.

“I want a bigger and better student appreciation day so that students can visibly see that they are visibly appreciated here as part of the Trojan family,” he said.

“I’m not perfect, and I don’t think any leader should be expected to be flawless,”  he said, “but making mistakes gives me opportunity to grow as a leader and a person.”

Emma Turner, a sophomore exercise science major from Huntsville, is running for vice president of campus activities.

“I want to make sure all competitions are done fairly and accurately,” Turner said. “I want to get everyone involved.”

Turner said that she hopes to get residence halls involved in Homecoming so that every student can be in a group.

“I want every student to feel at home and get the same opportunities,” Turner said. “I hope that we can make their Troy experience great.”

“(The person elected) is going to be for the students who feel like they don’t have a voice,” Turner said. “I want to be that person.”

Director of Representation 

Rachel Carter, a sophomore computer science major from Athens, is running for director of representation on the platform of “more inclusiveness.”

“The current SGA is mostly Greek,” Carter said. “Independent students and international students need to be better represented.”

If elected, Carter plans to have an open-door policy and be open to new ideas.

“I think a warm face would encourage students to participate,” Carter said.

Carter has served as a Freshmen Forum member and an SGA senator.

“I will make sure all students have a voice,” Carter said. “I will put you in contact with the right person to solve issues.”

Kingston Hall, a sophomore risk management insurance major from Birmingham, believes she has the experience to be director of representation.

“I am running on a platform based on experience from assistantships, time and dedication,” Hall said.

Hall said she would like independents and internationals to be more involved in Homecoming.

“We need more voter participation across campus,” Hall said. “I am willing to serve all students.”

She said she would “resolve conflicts and give guidance” if elected.

“I will help to increase community participation,” Hall said. “I would like to see students form a stronger community and ensure that everyone can share their experience at Troy.”

Taylor Holt, a freshman nursing major from Huntsville, said that her platform is based around better communicating with students.

“One of my goals is to make sure all information is correct on the ballot before it is sent out to students,” Holt said.

Holt also wants to “implement a database that shows the percentage of Greeks, independents and internationals participating in elections.”

“I would like to create a weekly newsletter that would be sent out to all students with all of the events, whether Greek or independent, going on around campus that week,” Holt said. “I have the time and commitment to communicate with the students.”

Zack Anglin, a junior risk management insurance major from Charlottesville, Virginia, wants to be “the voice for Troy, voice for today and voice every single day.”

“SGA has not been very open with the student body,”Anglin said. “I want to end that.

“The relationship has not been very fluid between SGA and students.”

Anglin said he wants to be a “voice for every student, whether you are Greek or independent.”

Anglin is currently serving as chief Supreme Court justice and said he is “going to get the job done, no questions asked.”

“I’m not just a candidate that says that.”

Vice President of Legislative Affairs

Laken Berry, a junior social work major from Athens, is running unopposed for vice president of legislative affairs.

“I’m running off of three main reasons why I should hold the position—experience, enthusiasm and expectations,” Berry said. “I might be the only choice, but I’m the best choice.”

Berry said she wants to hold SGA senators accountable to “do above and beyond” to get things done like the Rec Center.

“I want each of the committees to be reaching out to students, talking to them,” Berry said. “I want the faculty to hear what they want and do things about it, or at least try.”

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