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Monica Lewinsky to speak at Troy University graduation

Staff Report


Monica Lewinsky, well-known cyberbullying activist, has been chosen to speak at Troy University.


“I think it’s a wonderful opportunity for me to speak with the future leaders of America,” Lewinsky said in a press release from the University this morning. “I want to tell them what leadership is really about.”


According to the press release, Lewinsky, who is known for her line of handbags, will deliver the keynote address at this year’s graduation on the Troy campus.


The former Jenny Craig spokeswoman became an anti-cyberbullying activist in October 2014, and in March 2015 she gave a TED talk about the topic called “The Price of Shame.”


“I think she’s an excellent role model,” said Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley. “Monica is a great example of overcoming obstacles, and for that I personally think she’s a perfect candidate to speak with this graduating class. Her work in cyberbullying is to be commended.”


The governor of Alabama is president ex officio of the Troy University Board of Trustees.


“I think the work Dr. Bentley has done for this state is remarkable,” Lewinsky said. “Very few men have done what he did. Like, in terms of support. For the state, I mean.”


Lewinsky was an intern at the White House starting in July 1995, and in December 1995 she began working a paid position in the White House Office of Legislative Affairs.


Spring 2016 Commencement will be held at Trojan Arena on Friday, May 6. It will begin at 10 a.m.


Disclaimer: This article is a work of fiction and satire. The people and events referenced in this article may be real, but any quotes are fictitious. Monica Lewinsky is not actually coming to Troy. April Fools!

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