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Patrick Stephens

Montgomery County Minority Grand Old Party guests give testimonies to College Republicans

The Troy University College Republicans welcomed three speakers from the Montgomery County Minority Grand Old Party to their organization’s meeting Monday.

William Green, president of the Montgomery County Minority GOP and Troy Towns, vice president, addressed the group about their “pass the torch tour,” the goal of which is to engage college students looking to become involved in politics.

Towns began addressing the students gathered at the meeting by asking what they thought it meant to be a republican and what they thought the foundation of the Republican party was.

Students answered that they identified with the Republican party from reasons ranging from agreement with the economic platform, to it seeming to just be simple common sense.

William Green started his speech by discussing his background with the Republican party and how his upbringing influenced that decision.

“My situation was a little bit different then everybody else, I was never really a democrat,” Green said.

“I was taught that the white man was the devil. However, I was smart

enough at a young age

to look around and say ‘if the white man was the devil, then why is all the evil being done to me by black people?’”He went on to talk about how this taught him at an early age not to judge people by what they were saying, but rather to judge them based on how they treated other people.

“So as a result it made sense, you know, the democrats, they would come to you and tell you that as a black individual you are not as smart as everyone else, so we are going to have to lower the bar and the only way you are going to make it is to be a part of a government program,” he said.

“And I for one never believed in that. I always thought that I was just as smart as everyone else.”

When Green finished, he turned the floor over to Towns who discussed how he came to become a member of the Republican party.

“I was raised in a home that was very much democratic,” Towns said.

“I have always said that if they put the donkey up for president my dad would have voted for him. But when I was 20, I moved from New York and came down to the South where I found myself going to church and becoming a Christian. So I eventually found myself at a fork in the road, having to make a decision between the path of truth and the path of tradition. I stuck with what I felt to be the truth and that’s how I became a part of the Republican party and found myself where I am today.”

He went on to urge the students in attendance to stay true to the truth and ideals that brought them to the meeting, and what they obviously felt were dear to them.

If interested in attending meetings and hearing speakers like this, or becoming a member of the Troy University College Republicans one can like their Facebook page and watch for updates on upcoming meetings.

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