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Mu Alpha celebrates Black History Month in new, creative ways

Staff Writer

( Photo / Contributed )Members of Mu Alpha volunteering at the Community Backpack Project in Spring 2019.Ayanna Williams The Mu Alpha chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated on Troy’s campus is looking to highlight local and student talent on its social media accounts concerning Black History month. “We are looking for creative ways to highlight local talent within the campus community and the city of Troy,” said Jennifer Johnson, president of Mu Alpha and a senior global business major with a concentration in Human Resources Management from Leroy, Alabama. Mu Alpha would like for Troy students to collaborate and showcase their artwork. “What better way to celebrate a momentous time of the year than to start within your own campus and community,” Johnson said. In the meantime, Mu Alpha has recognized Dr. Maya Angelou’s famous poem “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” Angelou was also an honorary member of AKA. Before COVID-19, there were countless amounts of community service projects Mu Alpha participated in, now the group is looking to stay active in a safe way. “We are still looking for an artist who would like to be featured on our Instagram page and have their painting displayed on campus,” said Christyl Springs, the Target Four Chairman of Mu Alpha, and a senior social science major from Wetumpka, Alabama. “The deadline is this Thursday , and the art will be displayed in the Trojan Center and on our Instagram page as well,” Springs said. While Mu Alpha is seeking more ways to be creative and innovative during these unprecedented times, the sorority is still adhering to CDC guidelines, as well as Alpha Kappa Alpha’s protocol. Throughout the month of February, the sorority will highlight well-known artists, as well as local and student artists who play a role in leaving their legacy in Black History through the sorority’s social media platforms. To submit artwork, a direct message should be sent to @troyakas on Instagram or @Mu Alpha Troy on Facebook by Thursday, Feb. 18.



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