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  • Tori Roper-Bedsole

New faces in political science

New assistant professors in the political science department hope to enrich the program.

Maryam Stevenson, an assistant professor in the political science department, began teaching at Troy this semester.

Stevenson, a lawyer, practiced physician immigration law in Las Vegas.

“It is a niche area of law,” Stevenson said. “I helped medical groups and universities wanting to hire foreign physicians.”

Stevenson taught at the University of Indianapolis for three years before moving to Troy.

Stevenson said that she and her family moved to Montgomery from Indianapolis in order to be closer to family.

“Indianapolis is too cold,” Stevenson said.

Stevenson said she hopes to bring her pre-law advising experience to Troy.

“With my background as a lawyer, I hope to be able to provide students with help in deciding whether to go to law school or seek a career in law,” Stevenson said. “I have advised students who have attended top-tier law schools.”

Stevenson teaches graduate classes in the master of public administration (MPA) program, along with undergraduate classes in the political science department.

The graduate classes she will be teaching include administrative law and public policy.

“I will be teaching a campaigns and elections course during election years,” Stevenson said. “I will also be teaching a common law course, which is essentially an intro to law school course.”

Stevenson said that she has a dry sense of humor but that she really is nice.

“I have a hard exterior, but at heart I’m a softie,” Stevenson said.

Stevenson said that she likes to cook and entertain.

“I love food,” Stevenson said. “I consider myself a foodie.”

“I have a kid; that is my hobby,” Stevenson said of her 1-year-old son.

Vickie Edwards, an assistant professor in the political science department and MPA director, is also new to Troy this semester.

Edwards has experience in the non-profit side of political science.

She worked at Arkansas Little Rock Institute of Government and the Center for Non-Profit Organizations.

“I focus on outreach and community training,” Edwards said.

Edwards said she also emphasizes volunteerism and “how people get involved based on demographics.”

“I hope to grow the nonprofit concentration at Troy,” Edwards said.

She said that she would love to get involved in some of the smaller non-profit organizations in Montgomery.

“I like working with small community groups trying to improve things like schools and safety in the community,” Edwards said.

Edwards is currently serving on the board of directors for Lucy’s Place in Arkansas.

According to Edwards, Lucy’s Place is a nonprofit organization that focuses on supporting homeless members of the LGBT community.

“It’s good to be back in Alabama,” Edwards said. She previously worked in Birmingham.

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