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  • Tori Roper-Bedsole

New SGA president gets settled

The current Student Government Association administration is taking a new approach to rallying student support, beginning with the president.


New SGA President Matthew Thompson, a junior accounting major from Montgomery, is determined to be the people’s president.


He said that he would love for students to come by and talk to him about concerns or issues. “I enjoy company,” Thompson said.


Although his job can be trying, Thompson said he is excited about the new year and the potential that it holds.


A major issue that the majority of the student body is concerned with at the moment is parking. Thompson expressed his plan to lobby for increased parking but noted that the process is a long and strenuous one.


The most important thing, in Thompson’s opinion, is the support of the students.


“The SGA is never against the students,” Thompson said. “The students should feel like they (the SGA) are trying.”

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