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New SGA senators: Expectations, goals

Staff Writer

by Mackenzie Foster

The Student Government Association has added some new members to its organization to give Troy University’s campus a semester filled with Trojan pride from a full crew. 

Recently, SGA held a vacancy election for the Spring 2023 semester to fill the empty seats of thirteen senators. 

With SGA finally being able to fill those seats, the organization is ready to see what the new senators will bring to the campus. 

“I think that it’ll be really good that we have passionate people that want to better Troy University and the campus and see what we can do for the student body,” said Ava Carnazza, the SGA President and a senior global business marketing major from Enterprise, Alabama. 

One of the new Senators At-Large is Sarah Kate Edmundson, who is a junior communications major from Gadsden, Alabama. 

Edmundson decided to run for a Senator At-Large position to get more involved with the campus that she has been in love with for a long time.  

“I do love Troy so much, and SGA does a really great job of listening to the students,” Edmundson said. “I wanted to be part of SGA so I could help anyone that needs to be helped.”

The university’s new College of Business Senator is Virginia Braswell, a junior risk management and insurance major from Montgomery, Alabama. 

Braswell decided to run to get an opportunity that would allow her to do something she wouldn’t normally do as well as show her appreciation for the Sorrell College of Business at Troy University. 

“I love the College of Business, my family loves the College of Business, so we have super strong ties to the College of Business, and I really want to encourage other students to join,” Braswell said. 

One task that Braswell wants to handle as the College of Business Senator is to work on the communication between SGA, the College of Business, and the other colleges on campus. 

“I know that the College of Business has great events, and that SGA has a lot of great events,” Braswell said. “I really want to encourage the communication and collaboration between each college and SGA, and I feel like there are some great ways we can do that.” 

Edmundson and Braswell want the student body to know that if there are any issues and/or ideas that they would like to bring to the forefront, then they are two of the thirteen senators that can be contacted and talked to. 

The SGA is working on projects that will take place on campus soon, but their next big event coming up is Trojan Pride Week, which will take place on the second week of February. 




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