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  • Lilly Casolaro

New way to map degree progress

Troy University has introduced the Student Planning tool, a program that keeps track of course requirements and eases academic evaluations.

The Troy University records and information technology departments have partnered on a yearlong project to produce a planning tool allowing students to electronically map their degree and plan their future course of study.

This resource provides students and advisers an unofficial online evaluation of progress based on a student’s major and minor.

Students can access this application by logging onto Trojan Web Express, locating the financial aid tab and clicking on ‘make and view payments.’

Within this section, there is a second tab titled Student Planning, where students are able to view their current schedules and monitor their progress based on a timeline that anticipates graduation.

This tool is available to all Troy students who have an active Troy plan; parents are not able to view their child’s progress without Trojan Web Express login.

Maggie Uphaus, student academic systems coordinator for the records department, said that both records and IT have put much time and planning into this new feature to ensure its efficiency.

“Many long hours have gone into programming and learning all the different features available within this new module,” Uphaus said.

“Getting the word out and training faculty and students on the different features of Student Planning has been a task in itself.”

One benefit of Student Planning, according to Uphaus, is the color-coded feature as well as the ability to access all course resources in one location.

“The color-coded, unofficial evaluation is much easier to read than previous versions,” she said. “Students have the ability to plan future semesters and/or terms for more simple and efficient registration by searching, viewing and registering for courses all from the same screen.”

Michael Pierce, a junior nursing major from Dozier, worked alongside Uphaus and Vickie Miles, university registrar, by offering a student perspective.

“As a student, I have a firsthand understanding of what our students want and need,” he said. “This motivated me to help make the Student Planning tool as universal and as beneficial as possible.”

According to Pierce, students are encouraged by the organization and versatility that the new tool provides.

“We are excited to use the Student Planning tool to help make our college experience more organized,” Pierce said. “The compactness of the tool allows students to access all their academic information in one place.”

The records and IT departments encourage students seeking further information or assistance to visit for a tutorial or submit a Helpdesk ticket.

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