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  • Gabe Sadetsky

New York Times sports columnist focuses on ethics

New York Times sports columnist William Rhoden spoke to a crowd of Troy University students and faculty in the Trojan Center Ballrooms on the decline of ethics in sports, while encouraging fans to make a change.

Rhoden was the speaker at the annual M. Stanton Evans Symposium on Money, Politics, and the Media on Friday, March 28. The symposium began with introductions from Steven Padgett, director of the Hall School of Journalism and Communication, and assistant professor Steve Stewart.

Rhoden reminisced on his days as a college football player at Morgan State, and spoke about a professor who helped morph his current beliefs on the exploitation of college athletes.

“We used to play Grambling at Yankee Stadium every year, and I had a professor that never went,” Rhoden said.

Rhoden’s professor explained that he felt that the team was being exploited and used his absence at the games

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