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Night Walk sheds light on campus safety

The Student Government Association’s meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 27, focused on remarks, recognition and revision.


All students who participated in Dining Appreciation Day on Monday, Sept. 26, were thanked for their efforts by Senator Jordan Goodman.


A resolution was passed designating future implementation of the day at Troy University.


SGA and Freshman Forum members recognized Barbara Patterson, director of student involvement at Troy University and SGA adviser, for her service to Troy students over the last 30 years.


Ms. Patterson said she was surprised and honored by the gesture.


“Getting recognized today was a total surprise for me,” Patterson said. “I’m honored and touched by it. It really means a lot to me.”


Patterson said that her favorite part about advising SGA is being able to work with the students and see them do great things.


“Getting to work with some phenomenal students is the hallmark of my job,” Patterson said. “These students are smart, thoughtful and dedicated. They are always being faced with tough decisions and difficult situations, yet they never fail to amaze me by how they overcome these obstacles.”


A resolution was passed to implement benches on the social quad, behind Bibb Graves Hall, providing more study space, seating area and relaxation for students, faculty, staff and visitors.


SGA and FF members participated in a night walk following Tuesday night’s meeting looking for ways to revise infrastructure and ensure that every part of campus is as safe as possible for students.


John McCall, university police chief, and Derrick Brewster, assistant dean of student services, accompanied students on the night walk. Herbert Reeves, dean of student services, collaborated with SGA prior to the night walk.


Senator Laken Berry, a junior social work major from Athens and student welfare chair, organized the night walk.


Berry said the night walk is important because it makes the committee more aware of campus safety.


“The Night Walk is important because it connects SGA and especially Student Welfare Committee to the safety of the campus and makes us aware of what changes are needed,” Berry said. “Tonight we primarily looked at lighting.”


Berry said that Shackelford Quad lighting has been improved in comparison to previous years.


“We noticed many lights on campus have been replaced with LED light bulbs, which has provided a more luminescent light source on campus,” Berry said.


Participants of the night walk made notations of other areas needing improvement such as shrubs to be trimmed, sidewalks to be repaved and traffic signals to be more noticeable, according to Berry.


“We ask that students be patient because these changes do take time and money to happen, but have been noted and will be addressed,” Berry said. “If anyone has safety concerns, please tell someone in the SGA office, on the second floor of the Trojan Center.”


Brewster said the most pressing concern he found during the night walk was lighting in specific areas.


“There were a few lights out throughout campus that we will address with Physical Plant, namely Sartain Hall’s main entry, Cowart Hall, MSCX’s sidewalk area and the back of Malone Hall,” Brewster said.


Brewster said that the university is finding ways to promote a safer campus. One of those ways is the new LED lighting.


“LED lighting is a new concept that has been introduced to campus, and our physical plant department continues to add this trend through campus,” Brewster said.


“I applaud our Student Welfare Committee for their efforts to identify areas on campus that need to be addressed, as well as giving feedback regarding some areas that need an upgrade such as the Arboretum space.”




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