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Nintendo drops “Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire” demo

Lacey Alexander

Gamers, with the right resources, are getting a sneak peek at some holiday releases these past few weeks.

On Oct. 21, the Pokémon Trainer Club newsletter included a demo code allowing Pokémon fans to play a demo version of the highly anticipated “Pokémon Omega Ruby” and “Pokémon Alpha Sapphire.”

Fans have found that there are other ways to obtain this demo, including downloading certain Pokémon titles from the “e-Shop,” an online store of downloadable games and applications for the Nintendo 3DS.

The demo opens to the playable character, a male trainer named “Orlando,” flying on the legendary Pokémon Latios with the Pokémon League Champion from “Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire,” Steven.

Fans will immediately recognize the hometown of the champion, Mossdeep City, as they land.

Players of the demo get a first look at the world’s transformation from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, as the remake has taken the game map from the original “Ruby” and “Sapphire” titles and amplified its appearance to a three-dimensional playing field for the 3DS.

The Pokémon that served as mascots and “starters” for the Nintendo Gameboy Advance titles were reintroduced in the demo, now fully realized in three-dimensional figures and having constant movement throughout battle scenes.

In this demo, players play along to experience an all-new “evolution” cutscene, the process of “mega evolution” for the starting Pokémon and some battle sequences with newly redesigned characters: Matt and Tabitha, two high-ranking admins of the enemy teams, Team Aqua and Team Magma.

After the initial battle with the two admins, the player is led to a situation in which she is asked to catch a Pokémon.

Glailie, the Pokémon that you are assigned to capture, is then available as a “transfer” to the full copy of the game.

Once the full game is purchased, players will be allowed to transfer the captured Glailie and some other mystery rewards from their demos to the game. Players can use the rewards in game play.

Every time the demo game is completed and restarted, a new adventure is available to play through.

A reward will be obtained every time an adventure is completed and range from “transferrable” items to the introduction of a new character onto the island, in which the player is limited to stay in for the demo version.

These little rewards are earned after every completion of a mission up until the 10th time, after which no more items are available, but missions are still playable. There is also a small chance of a “secret mission” becoming available, in which the player battles two members of either Team Aqua or Team Magma.

Many surprises and fun hints for the full game can be found in the demo, and players are beyond pleased with the sneak peek of the newest Pokémon title.

Seeing an old favorite revisited is sure to get Nintendo fans excited for the game’s release on Nov. 22.



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