Living in a dorm can come with its share of troubles.
Community bathrooms are disgusting, it can take weeks for maintenance problems to be fixed, you never get to be alone, and you are constantly walking up never-ending flights of stairs.
However, does the good that comes with dorm life outweigh the bad?
For Abbie Barber, a junior elementary education major from Morris, it most certainly does.
“I absolutely recommend living in a dorm as a freshman,” Barber said. “Without living in a dorm, I wouldn’t know any of my best friends, and when you have an amazing Resident Assistant like I did, it’s hard not to get involved with something on campus.”
When freshmen live in a dorm, they get access to things like the Resident Hall Association (RHA)or Campus Outreach, and bulletin boards that are constantly advertising everything going on around the University.
“Without living in a dorm, you become isolated, especially if you don’t rush,” said Megan Hunt, a junior elementary education major who grew up in Khan Kaen, Thailand. “It gave me a sense of community.”
“I loved it,” Justin Lewandowski, a junior business major from Slapout, said. “I could walk to class every day, and I always knew what was going on.”
“If I didn’t think it were worth it to live on campus, I wouldn’t be living on campus my fifth year of college.” said Daryl Powell, a senior computer science major from Kinston.
I think that living in the dorm was a unique experience.
The good will always outweigh the bad for me, and I have so many fond memories from dorm life, and it taught me how to live on my own.
Troy University has a proud history of attracting students from all over, and more often than not those students come in only knowing a few people, if any.
“I came to Troy only knowing one person,” said Grace Bailey, a senior elementary education major from Birmingham, “but soon, my roommate and I were walking to class together and introducing one another to friends we had met on campus.”
There are positives and negatives no matter where you live, be it noisy neighbors or an obnoxious landlord, but you have to live somewhere.
During your first year in a new place, it helps to live somewhere that surrounds you with people who are in the same situation that you are and places you in the center of everything.
“I will always recommend dorms, just not Alumni,” Earnest Caesar, a junior international business major from Daleville, said, summing up the way most upperclassmen feel about their experiences.