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Opinion: Why write for the Trop? You can learn skills that apply to any field

Staff Writer

Asem Abdelfattah

Writing for the student newspaper is not only for journalism majors. I am a business major with a concentration in economics and writing for the Tropolitan has been one of the most enriching opportunities I have had as a student at Troy University.

I first joined the Trop as a staff writer in the news section three years ago. Frankly, the main motivation for me to join the Trop was the potential to earn a scholarship. Being an economics major with aspirations in academia, journalism did not seem like an asset to my career, but boy was I wrong.

First, being a staff writer is great practice for consistently writing high quality content. Almost every job requires writing skills. Being able to clearly communicate an idea is a skill that many managers seek for when hiring.

Second, being a journalist requires interviewing skills and interpersonal skills that can be vital in a work environment. Many times communication skills are the make-or-break factor for promotion decisions. Being a journalist throws you out in the real world communicating with people from all walks of life.

Third, at a student newspaper, excelling students find themselves in leadership positions. These positions are not resume fillers. They involve team management, strategic planning and collaboration with other leaders.

Fourth, attention to detail when researching for facts is a must-have skill, especially for those seeking academic and research careers.

All in all, writing for the Tropolitan helped build and enhance skills much needed for my career and made me feel more confident as a writer and a communicator.

I would encourage students who are thinking about joining a student publication to do so knowing their hard work will be rewarded.

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