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Parking decals: paper or online?

Maggie Cox

Troy University is still using paper forms for parking decal applications, while other universities have gone online.


Troy University started selling parking decals on Saturday, Aug. 13.


During the week leading up to the first class day on Wednesday, Aug. 17, Troy University parking decals were available in Trojan Center Room 224 and at the University Police Department at the bottom of Hamil Hall.


Students stood in line outside the room for long amounts of time, for some up to an hour, to receive their parking decals.


Zach Ainsworth, a freshman economics major from Navarre, Florida, said he waited about 30 minutes in a long line to get his decal.


“I waited until the last minute to get my parking decal because every other time I went, the line was out the door,” Ainsworth said.


Troy parking decals are $75 per academic year. However, if one has a Troy University car tag, the decal is free.


To receive a decal, one must present a valid driver’s license, vehicle registration and a completed blue card (given by the University Police Department).


Troy University car tags cost around $50, according to the Pike County probate office.


Troy students can either purchase Troy University car tags in their home counties, or they can switch residency to their Troy University addresses.


“If a student already has a current tag, they have to wait until their renewal month before they can change their residency to Pike County,” Barbara Shipman, tag supervisor of the Pike County Probate Office, said.


However, students can take their car tags to their local probate offices and exchange their regular tags for Troy University tags for around $55.


Motorcycles must also be registered with the University Police Department, and owners will receive a metal washer stamped with an expiration date.


For Troy faculty and staff, decals for reserved parking spaces are available for $150, and decals for regular faculty and staff zoned parking are $100.


Luann Knight-Crenshaw, coordinator for facility and operations with the housing and residency office, said faculty and staff must go through the same process as students to obtain decals.


“It’s one of those things that we have to fill the blue card out and wait in line the same as students do,” Knight-Crenshaw said.


Parking decals and zones are designated by color.


Resident parking decals are outlined in red, upperclassmen commuter decals are outlined in black, and freshman commuter parking decals are outlined in yellow.


Parking decals must be displayed in the lower lefthand corner of the vehicle’s rear windshield. If the vehicle is a convertible, the decal is to be displayed in the lower corner of the passenger side windshield.


Washers given to motorcycle owners must attach the washer to one of the motorcycle’s license tag bolts.


If a decal or washer becomes lost or damaged, it must be reported to the University Police Department and a new one must be purchased.


If a student or faculty member would like to purchase an additional parking decal for another vehicle, it will cost $15.


If a student or faculty member is parked in the wrong zone, is parked illegally or does not have a parking decal, that person will be issued a ticket by the University Police Department.


A person can also receive a ticket for not following Troy University’s traffic rules and regulations. These traffic rules and regulations include, but are not limited to, speeding, running a red light and driving the wrong way on a one-way street.


According to police, tickets for parking violations are $15, while tickets for moving violations are $75. Troy University reserves the right to tow or wheel-lock any vehicle with multiple unpaid parking tickets.


Visitors to Troy’s campus must get a visitor parking permit at the University Police Department free of charge.


If a student feels that he or she was unfairly ticketed, the student can choose to file an appeal with the Traffic Appeals Court. The Traffic Appeals Court is located in the SGA office in the Trojan Center 215.


According to SGA President Olivia Melton, any tickets that were issued prior to Monday, Aug. 22, for not having a parking decal are considered invalid.


Other Alabama higher education institutions offer alternative methods for registering for on-campus parking.


Contrary to Troy’s parking registration system, Auburn University and the University of Alabama offer both online and on-campus registration.


According to, the cost for a parking decal at Auburn ranges from $80 to $180. The wide range of prices depends on what class a student falls under and if he or she registers early.


Auburn divides its commuter parking into four separate zones; a random drawing is held to determine who receives preferred parking.


Visitors to Auburn University’s campus must obtain a parking pass from the Parking Services Office and can park in one of six locations.


The University of Alabama’s parking registration is available online and began July 12. Decals are mailed to the purchaser within 10 business days. according to


Parking decals are $305 for commuter, and faculty and staff; they are $360 for residents.


The University of Alabama also offers reserved parking spaces to both students and University employees for $600.


According to Alabama’s website, reserved parking spaces are spaces designated to a certain student or university employee. If someone parks in a reserved parking space that does not belong to him or her, that person is subject to be fined or towed.


Visitors parking at the University of Alabama can park at one of the three parking decks for $5 a day between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m.




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