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  • Chase Robinson

Parking proposal passed in SGA

The Student Government Association passed the parking resolution proposed at last week’s meeting.

The resolution will reorganize parking for the 2014-2015 school year.

The lot at Sartain Hall will be open to commuter freshmen and commuter upperclassmen for the duration of that year or until the lot is closed for construction of the recreation center.

The lot in front of Alumni Hall will be strictly resident parking for Trojan Village and Clements Hall, and the lot behind Clements Hall will be open to commuter nursing students.

The resolution asks that a black-and-white-striped sticker be given to commuter nursing students so they can park in both commuter and nursing zones.

The lot north of the stadium will be restricted to commuter freshmen.

The Trojan Arena lot will house both freshmen and commuter students, and the lot by the Elm Street gym will be for overflow parking.

The Elm Street lot will accept all parking passes.

The resolution proposes the building of shelters at the lot north of the stadium, the Trojan Arena lot and the Elm Street gym lot, it asks that a shuttle run a circuit from the quad through these three stops every 15 minutes.

Resolutions from the Freshman Forum that would install water bottle filling stations and hand sanitizing stations across campus were put on docket.

“Both of these are very easily attainable,” said Cody Farrill, SGA president and a senior political science major from Panama City Beach, Fla.

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