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The spring dance concert, Passage, is coming up soon, and it will showcase dancers from all around campus, as well as feature novel theatrical concepts that will enrapture the audience.


The title, Passage, holds an extreme significance for the entirety of the program because it shows the diversity and passing into other styles, ranging from ballet to hip hop.


The spring dance performance features dancers from the BFA program as well as students who decided to go into another major but still want to perform.


The process started in January. Since then the dancers have worked extremely hard to bring the choreographer’s ideas to life as well as live up to each of their demands.

Main choreographers include: Jacobi Hall, Caitlin Parish, Elie Lazar, Kimberly Sausman, and guest choreographer Traci Klein.


Lazar is also the artistic director. On is vision of composing the entire concept, Lazar said his goal was to “Try to give a voice to all of the styles that [he] felt that are enhanced in the BFA. To create a concept that will show the biggest scope of where dance can be introduced on campus.”


The diversity and all-inclusiveness of the program is a big component of Passage, and Lazar wants to make sure of that.


The opening piece will be pure ballet, as choreographed by Lazar. This will begin the journey throughout the styles offered at Troy.


The music will be familiar to students in the hip-hop section of the event, featuring Justin Beiber, Ellie Goulding, Tyga and Cassie.


“Everyone can really be interested in something that they are interested in. The idea of art is to invite and draw in the audience to a different possibility,” Lazar said.


“Passionate performances will be contagious.”


Not only is there a “passage” through style, but there is a passage through the scenes in the event. There are mirrors, curtains and a room that will be painted while the dancers are performing, adding another layer of depth to the event.


In this scene, the painters are meant to represent the mind, and the dancers are meant to represent freedom.



With the new BFA program for dancers pioneering its first year, this will be a big moment for the program.


The event will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Friday and on Saturday. With a student ID, the admission is $5, and general admission is $10.

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