Andrea Hammack
McCall Donoho, a junior bachelor of fine arts and dance, from Nashville, Tennessee will be holding an art show Saturday, Oct. 6.
The show, entitled Perspective Universe intends to put on display Donoho’s personal perspective of life and views of the universe.
“The title, ‘Perspective Universe’, was literally created because it is my perspective of the universe at this point in my life,” said Donoho.
There are three main sections to the show: distant, close, and personal. “The first section is an abstract interpretation of five of the planets in the universe,” said Donoho. “The close section is a set of 10 pieces, two for each of the earthly elements.”
“The final section includes more abstract paintings of personal relationships and individualism.”
All of the works presented are oil on canvas.
Putting the show together has surprisingly been an easy and enjoyable task for McCall. “The process was really fun, my friends were very supportive,” said Donoho. “I developed each section individually and researched as I went.”
Donoho says the show is especially important to her in the way it allows her to present and share her individual mindset and voice.
The show will be available for viewing on Oct. 6th at the Troy Arboretum from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Admission is free and there will be free drinks and hors d’oeuvres.