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  • Madina Seytmuradova

Phi Kappa Phi chapter recognized for work

The Phi Kappa Phi Chapter Recognition Program has recognized the Troy University chapter as a Chapter of Excellence for the 2014-2015 year.


The Phi Kappa Phi honor society recognizes outstanding students in all academic disciplines. To be distinguished as “excellent,” chapters have to meet many criteria.


“There’s a checklist of about 30 different items you, as a chapter, need to be active in,” said Jerry Johnson, professor of design and Troy Phi Kappa Phi chapter president. “And one of those was to apply for a grant, to have a student apply for a fellowship, to have regular officers’ meetings, to have at least two meetings per year with members. And what we did is, we went through the list.”


Troy’s chapter is one of the 29 chapters nationwide to be named a Chapter of Excellence for recognizing academic excellences in higher education, promoting them and engaging the community of scholars in service to others.


“This recognition sets Troy University apart as an institution that not only has studious students but students who spend time outside of class working on campus and in the community to support educational pursuits and professional development,” said Naomi Perez, Troy alumna and Phi Kappa Phi student vice president for 2014-2015.


The Troy chapter was recognized as a Chapter of Merit in 2013-2014, and in a year it became a Chapter of Excellence. Part of the success, according to Perez, lies in the many community projects last year, which included a book sale and a multi-disciplinary panel, where professors from different disciplines offered students advice and feedback on preparing for life after college.


According to Phi Kappa Phi member Lauren Wiggins, a senior English major from Troy, the chapter is growing and striving to improve the communication among members, which brings national distinction.


“Our chapter is made up of wonderful members, and we do a lot on campus,” she said. Wiggins said she felt great that the chapter was growing and getting recognized for its work.


“I feel so proud to be a part of it now,” said Tram Nguyen, a graduate accounting student from Da Nang, Vietnam, and a Phi Kappa Phi member. “So now whenever I go anywhere and say, I am in the Troy University Phi Kappa Phi, they will know, ‘Oh, she’s good and met all the qualifications.’


“It’s like a certification for each and every student Phi Kappa Phi chapter. It’s a great honor.”


According to Johnson, the distinction of the Phi Kappa Phi chapter as an excellent chapter is also a motivation for new inductees.


“Sometimes it’s not about that trophy or that prize, but it really is just a standard of excellence,” he said. “So now all those who follow will have that push to be even better and more active.”


The Troy Phi Kappa Phi chapter will officially receive the award at a national conference in 2016.

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