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Staff Writer

by Camille Coney

The Humane Society of Pike County is just a few pets away from having to euthanize animals. 

Members of Troy University’s Student Government Association heard of this issue and wanted to bring awareness to help find the animals safe and friendly homes, so they held a Puppy Picnic at the amphitheater. 

At the picnic students, were able to meet four Pitbull mixed dogs named Queen, Ash, Nova, and Jupiter.

Cailey White, a freshman secondary education science major from Gadsden, Alabama, attended the event to sit back and relax after a long week of classes and hang out with some puppies. She said that being at the event made her think of her relationship with her dog at home.

“We hang out all the time; I take him on walks he just a very sweet and gentle dog,” she said.

The Puppy Picnic not only gave the pups a chance to be adopted but also helped socialize them.

“I can see how the puppies benefit from meeting so many different people and getting to be outside all day” said Sarah Laney, a SGA senator and junior english language arts education major from Cullman, Alabama. “In the animal shelter, that is not always possible due to the fact of them having so many dogs that also need to be taken care of.”

Camryn Easterling, a SGA senator and sophomore global business major from Deatsville, Alabama, currently does not have a dog, but loved the ones she had while growing up.

 “I have been longing for a dog,” Easterling said. “I absolutely love dogs, and when I get done with school, that is probably going to be one of the first things I’m going to get.”

 Anyone interested in adopting a dog can visit the Pike County Animal Shelter. For people who can’t adopt a dog, but are interested in donating, the Pike County Animal Shelter is looking for donations in the form of gift cards. 




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