Editorial Board
If anyone is unconscious, do not have sex with him or her.
There, we have said it. It is incredible that this had to be published in any form, or that it had to be taught to anyone at all.
We understand that many people come from different backgrounds, and some people are not as privileged as we are. We get it.
However, there are basic facts that one should never have to be taught.
For example, murder and theft are wrong, both legally and morally. These are things you just do not do.
Sex is meant to be pleasurable, but more than that, it is meant to be consensual.
Above all, the two parties must agree to and have knowledge of the intercourse—again, this is right both legally and morally.
So, if one is unable to give consent, then intercourse should not happen, and that includes being under the influence of alcohol.
If someone is so obviously inebriated so that he or she cannot remember, much less make rational decisions, the person is unable to give consent.
Furthermore, this is not an issue specific to gender. One should not put himself or herself into a situation where he or she is that vulnerable.
To repeat: no consent, no sex.
Now, what really bothers us the most about the recent beach situation is the fact that there were numerous people watching this event happen, and nothing was done to help. This strikes us as odd.
Why, in the course of these events, did no one stop to think: “Hey, this is wrong. I should do something.”
In light of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we at the Tropolitan urge you to intervene whenever you see something like this happening, no matter the consequences.
As Bay County Sheriff Frank McKeithen put it: “Within 10 feet of where this is happening, there are hundreds of people standing there watching … in our society, our young people have got to the point obviously where this is acceptable.”
He says that it is not acceptable in Bay County; McKeithen is only half right.
It is not acceptable anywhere.
The police can only do so much, and McKeithen said himself that his department received multiple videos regarding this incident.
He said, “I can only imagine how many we haven’t recovered.”
Law enforcement officers are not the only people responsible for dealing with the consequences of these actions. It is up to the individual to make a difference in these situations.
So again, we urge you to take action whenever you see this situation play out.
Do not rely on others to report something when you are able.
Be the one to know what is right and what is wrong.
Take a stand.