The Troy University American Red Cross Club has rebooted the organization for a fresh start with all new executive officers and with a dedication of seeking new members.
The Red Cross Club has existed on campus since 2011. The club works in partnership with the Red Cross Pike County chapter and national organization.
According to the American Red Cross website, the Red Cross “alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.”
The club works to help those in need in the event of natural disasters, fires and other attacks by raising money and providing food and comfort to those affected. More recently, the club has helped with community blood drives and has written letters to veterans.
With the reboot of the organization, the club is hoping to accomplish even more this upcoming year.
Haley Dees, a senior exercise science major from Montgomery, and president of the organization, said that she would like to see the organization “respond to disasters, provide more assistance with blood drives, participate in health fairs to better educate the students on the purpose of Red Cross and the need for blood donations, volunteer at the Red Cross center, learn CPR and first aid.”
However, the club’s ability to accomplish such needs heavily relies on recruiting new members to the club.
“My goal is to have more people involved so that we can impact more people together,” Dees said. “It’s good for us students to respond to disasters in our community, help in veteran services and provide different learning opportunities.”
The organization is open to students of all majors. To become a member, students must pay a $20 fee, which includes a club t-shirt.
“We’re looking to refresh,” said Catherine Flynn, adviser of the organization and assistant professor of kinesiology & health promotion.
The organization’s first meeting was held on Tuesday, Mar. 21 in Patterson Room 103, but only had about nine people in attendance, including officers.
“I would like to, really and I mean just for me and everybody else I’m sure in the club, is to just have a super number of members,” Flynn said. “Because anybody that’s in nursing training, exercise science … can benefit from this organization and it looks good on your resume.”
Flynn has been the adviser since the organization began and continues to help with the organization. She expressed that volunteering and giving back was something she grew up doing and something that she believes everyone should take part in.
“I chose to be a part of this organization because I enjoy serving the community and helping people become more involved in the community,” Dees said. “It’s important that we are aware of our surroundings and are prepared to act in any situation.”
Students can find more information regarding the organization and becoming a member by contacting Haley Dees at