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  • Tatiannah Clarke

Redbox probable university amenity

Movie watchers at Troy University may be in luck, according to this week’s Student Government Association meeting. The possibility of a Redbox machine placed on campus is in the works.


“Students at Troy are always asking for more amenities from the university,” said Blake Crew, a junior social work from Gardendale. “Having a Redbox on campus would provide a convenience to students, as they will no longer have to drive off of campus to rent a movie.”



Providing a Redbox on campus was brought to SGA’s attention by students who not only would like easy access to movies, whenever they want, but also have noticed machines on other university campuses.


The idea of having an on-campus movie vending machine is not a new concept for Troy, according to Crew. A proposal for such a convenience was first discussed three years ago, however initiative to move forward with the plan was never implemented.


“We are planning on bringing it back up to Dean Reeves to see if there is still an option for this on campus,” said Crew.


According to SGA officials, the time that it would take for the idea to come into fruition is uncertain; however, Crew promises that SGA will do all that it can to bring a Redbox to campus.


“I will see to it that my committee stays on top of this resolution to hopefully see it done,” Crew said.


SGA believes that a Redbox machine will be just one of the many ways that can accelerate Troy’s position in the competitive collegiate marketplace.


Future SGA plans discussed at the meeting include a new student recreational facility as well as more student life amenities on campus.

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