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  • Josh Richards

Registrars to hold voter drive for next election year

A voter registration table will be set up outside the Trojan Center to allow those who haven’t registered to do so.


The table will be in the Trojan Center on April 14, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


Registering to vote is important for students to consider, according to Phyllis Swindall, a member of the Pike County Board of Registrars.


“Students need to understand that it’s their right,” Swindall said. “Voting is a way to honor those who have sacrificed and have fought to help shape our country.”


In order to register to vote in Alabama, an applicant must meet certain requirements. He or she must be a citizen of the United States, reside in Alabama and be at least 18 years old on or before the day of election.


In addition, those who want to register must provide current and valid photo identification, which includes driver’s licenses, university IDs  or the new free voter IDs. Free voter IDs can be made at any registrars’ office.


A student who wishes to vote with an absentee ballot must request a ballot from his or her Absentee Election Manager.


Swindall said that if students want to change anything about the current issues and challenges facing the nation or the state, they should vote.


“The issues students are concerned with won’t be addressed without student votes,” Swindall said. “Students also help shape foreign policy and issues that affect the environment.”


Some of the writing that officials put forth affect students, according to Swindall.


“Politicians make decisions continually about higher education costs and student loan policies,” Swindall said. “These are just a few of the many reasons that students should vote.”


Next year will be a presidential election year.


For more information, visit the Board of Registrars’ office in the courthouse at 120 W. Church St., Room B2, or call 334-566-1757.

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