Troy’s Colleges against Cancer will host an active and musical Relay for Life on Saturday, March 19, to raise money for cancer research and treatment.
Relay for Life is a fundraising event hosted annually by the American Cancer Society, which funds research, free patient programs and services to individuals diagnosed with cancer.
Colleges against Cancer (CAC) is a nationwide collaboration of college students, faculty and staff dedicated to eliminating cancer by implementing the programs and mission of the American Cancer Society.
This year, CAC’s Relay for Life event is called “The hope that binds us together.” With an international theme, each team will represent a separate country during the relay.
The event will include themed laps and games, banner and T-shirt contests, and live performances by The Funky Brothers Brass Band, musician Rexton Lee and students Blake Swicord and Patrick Rodgers.
“We have 32 teams registered so far, which include a large array of different campus organizations as well as two faculty and staff teams,” said Avalon Dudinsky, a sophomore marketing major from Panama City, Florida, and president of CAC.
“It will be a fun atmosphere to hang out with your friends while supporting a great cause,” she said.
Teams are responsible for conducting their own fundraisers and collecting donations. Prizes will be awarded to the top Greek team and top residence hall team, and a “Spirit of Relay” award will be given to other participating organizations.
“Our event goal is $20,000 this year, and we are on track to reach our goal and possibly surpass it,” Dudinsky said.
Team Palladium, which is made up of the Troy yearbook staff members and friends, will represent Egypt. Their slogan is, “Don’t let cancer RUIN us.”
“I wanted to start the team so that our staff members and friends had an outlet to work together and better our relationships with other people and organizations and raise money for cancer research,” said Davis Gamble, a senior multimedia journalism major from Beauregard and team captain for the Palladium.
Team Palladium has hosted various fundraisers, including a candy basket raffle, and collected donations.
“We’re just looking to have a great time bonding and raising money,” Gamble said. “This experience building up to the event has definitely helped us grow closer as staff members and friends.”
The event will be held on the Shackelford quad on Saturday from noon until midnight. Admission to the event is free, but if you would like to get involved, you can join an existing team or start your own team by visiting
There is a $10 registration fee per participant, which will go toward the team’s fundraising goal.