By: Andrew Clay Romantic comedies are typically the movie genre that makes men across the world cringe when the ladies in their lives looks at them with puppy dog eyes and suggest her movie choice. As Valentine’s Day approaches men of Troy need not be afraid because five fantastic romantic comedies exist, and these will not only please your significant other but entertain you as well. This is the perfect opportunity to eat the heart shaped love chocolates and get a little sugar by telling your sweetie that all you want to do is snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie with them. The top five romantic comedies available on for your viewing pleasure, in alphabetic order, are "Crazy, Stupid, Love.", "Definitely, Maybe", "High Fidelity", "Love Actually", and "Silver Linings Playbook." 1 - "Crazy, Stupid, Love." Starring Steve Carell, Emma Stone, Ryan Gosling, and Julianne Moore in an up and down romantic drama that covers all ages. Gosling stars as the bachelor playboy that epitomizes what the stereotypical player is. He is a well-dressed, wealthy, good-looking guy at the top of his lady killing game, when he meets Steve Carell's character, who is going through a divorce from his high school sweetheart and mother of his three children. Gosling teaches Carell how to reassert his manhood and fight for what he loves while he goes through his own romantic entanglement with Emma Stone's character. The movie is overall lighthearted, with a great sense of humor while maintaining that realistic grind that affects all relationships. Even if you aren't lucky enough to persuade your significant other to join you for a movie night, don't be afraid to branch out and take in this film. 2- "Definitely, Maybe" If you have ever had that sneaking suspicion that your best friend is destined to be your ultimate soul mate then this is the movie for you. Starring Ryan Reynolds and Isla Fisher as star crossed friends who have the potential for something more. The story centers on Reynolds' character telling his daughter who is mother is from the great loves of his life. It has humor, serious moments, philosophical life lessons, and very few ugly people in the entire cast. It is sure to warm your heart as the tale of love is woven across the 112 minute runtime. 3 - "High Fidelity" "Am I sad because I listen to pop music, or do I listen to pop music because I am sad?" This is one of the most famous lines from this movie and upon further investigation a very difficult question to answer. In this movie, John Cusack stars as a music fiend and owner of a record store. After a grueling break-up he decides to narrate in order the top catastrophe his top five failed relationships. As he meanders his way through the break-ups he analyzes and learns about himself. In the end he comes to a conclusion and he doesn't end the movie in a lonely place. 4 - "Love Actually" One of the first star packed multi plot paths movies, "Love Actually" follows the lives of vaguely intertwined characters as they explore situations from a single prime minister of Britain to a love struck grade-schooler. The movie has ups and downs but it is Christmas time and love is in the air. You will laugh and cry and root for the underdog as this movie takes you through the two hour journey showcases the plethora of options love can take to fruition. 5 - "Silver Linings Playbook" It is the only legitimate romantic comedy playing at Troy's Continental Cinemas and is worth checking out on Valentine’s Day. Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence display a wild romance, spanning tragedy, crime, and mental trauma. Cooper is fantastic in his role as a neurotic man trying to deal with family drama and reconcile his life after a stint in a mental institution. Jennifer Lawrence plays a grief stricken widow also trying fix her life. Together these broken people fix themselves and form a more perfect couple. I know it is a little sappy but that is what makes a romantic comedy good is a little sap. So this Valentine’s Day dim the lights and get a warm blanket or fire and fire up the DVD player and television. Romantic comedies are the perfect economical answer to enjoying a romantic night with your significant other.
Romantic Comedies
Staff Writer