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Roy Moore vs. Luther Strange: pick your poison

Scott Shelton

Luther Strange and Roy Moore are the most controversial candidates in this U.S. Senate election, but I believe Alabama should vote for Roy Moore, the lesser of the two evils.


Moore led all Republican candidates with 39 percent of the vote. Luther Strange, despite receiving endorsements from President Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell, came in second with 33 percent of the vote—enough to advance to the runoff.


Both candidates have had their fair shares of legal troubles, so how will Republicans in Alabama decide between the two? Television ads from the Republican candidates seem to portray them both as pro-Trump as possible to appeal to the state’s voters.


Luther Strange accepted Gov. Robert Bentley’s Senate appointment even though he was supposed to be investigating Bentley for the sex scandal that ultimately led to the governor’s resignation.


Roy Moore has twice been removed from the Alabama Supreme Court for failure to uphold rulings from federal courts, such as the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage.


Should Alabama expect more out of its candidates? Yes, but despite his legal battles, voters in Alabama love Roy Moore.


“I voted for Trip Pittman,” said Austin Green, a sophomore education major from Prattville. “I think he would have been better for the position, but between the two candidates, the best it’s going to get is Roy Moore.”


The New York Times writes: “Moore had a few things going for him that outsiders seem to have missed. Strange has his own ethical stench.


“More important, the rest of the country doesn’t get just how much Alabama voters like and trust Mr. Moore.”


People in Alabama do not seem to mind Roy Moore’s past. Instead of saying he was rightfully removed from office, they say he was wrongly removed and stood up for his Christian beliefs. Most voters in Alabama identify themselves as evangelicals, and Moore has received strong support from church leaders statewide.


“I like Roy Moore’s campaign better because his motives seem more genuine,” said Lexi Soli, a sophomore elementary education major from Hayden. “His money comes from Alabama voters more than Washington.


“Even though he’s been suspended twice, he stood up for his beliefs. I like that because his religious views closely correlate with my own.”


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who heavily funded Strange’s campaign, spent $2.5 million dollars supporting him, according to


Alabamians love President Trump and the Republican Party, but they blame the Republican-controlled Congress for Trump’s lack of legislative success thus far.


Nominating Roy Moore is Alabama’s best chance to truly send a message to Washington and say this state will not let the corrupt politicians in Washington, D.C., decide who wins our elections.


“(If Moore wins) the message it sends is that Alabama isn’t a part of the establishment,” Green said. “We have our own mind to choose whom we want to send to Washington.”


I personally do not like either candidate. Given the choice of Roy Moore and Luther Strange, I would choose Moore, and the voters of Alabama should do the same in the runoff.

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