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  • Destiny Hosmer

Ruck-a-thon to support veterans

Troy University’s Student Veterans Association is hosting its second annual Ruck-a-thon on Veterans Day, Nov. 11.


During the Ruck-a-thon, teams of four to six participants will walk in a relay-style walk-a-thon, and one team member must walk the track at all times with a 20-pound rucksack.


This year’s Ruck-a-thon proceeds will go toward “K-9s for Warriors,” a nonprofit that provides dogs to veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disability, traumatic brain injury and military sexual trauma as a result of military service post-9/11.


According to a press release from the university, SVA chose this philanthropy because not only does “K-9s for Warriors” assist veterans, but it also helps save shelter dogs by providing them a new home and “another chance at life.”


The purpose of the SVA is to provide military veterans with resources, support and advocacy needed to succeed in higher education and post-graduation.


Casey Bell, co-director of the Ruck-a-thon and SVA representative, said that significant thought is put into where SVA’s money goes.


“Every organization that we choose to give money to here is well-researched ahead of time and is voted on by a board,” Bell said.


Bell said that a lot of time and effort has gone into putting together the Ruck-a-thon over the past year, and it should not disappoint.


“This year’s Ruck-a-thon is going to be on a whole different level,” Bell said.


Compared to the first Ruck-a-thon, this year’s event should be on a larger scale, according to Bell.


“This year we’ve tripled the scale of last year with everything: events, people, participation and support,” Bell said.


During the Ruck-a-thon, minigames will be held for viewers and children.


Entry to view the event is free, and all concessions will cost $1.


Teams and participating individuals have the chance to earn a range of prizes, including vacation tickets, gym memberships, spa vouchers, food vouchers and T-shirts.


There is a $10 entry fee per team member, which includes a free meal at the event.


Team registration forms can be picked up in the Troy for Troops Center, located in Room 122 of the Trojan Center, and are due back no later than Monday, Nov. 9, at 1 p.m.


The Ruck-a-thon will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 11, from noon to 4 p.m. at the Troy University track.


For more information, contact the Student Veterans Association at or visit the Troy for Troops Center.

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