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Safety first with the SGA

( Photo / Zenith Shrestha )The SGA discuss the scheduling of the yearly night walk during their weekly meeting.Rory Johnson Troy University’s SGA is rescheduling its yearly night walk around campus with university police to identify safety hazards after the event was previously canceled due to weather. The goal of the night walk is not only to identify unsafe parts on campus due to lighting, butalso to identify hazards such as potholes or where a speed bump should be placed. An example of this would be the reflective mirror where John M. Long Avenue and the road to Clements Hall meet. The mirror was put there about two years ago in response to how dangerous the turn is, according to the SGA. The SGA makes it a priority each year for its safety committee to present its findings to the university and help make adjustments in a timely manner. SGA President Nicole Jayjohn, a senior biology major from Daphne, Alabama, connects with student services to get tasks done. “Typically, it goes pretty quick when it comes to streetlights being placed or mirrors around campus,” Jayjohn said. “Blue safety lights and speed bumps take a little longer, but it is a matter of communicating to Student Services.” Troy students reported there are a few reoccurring problem areas on campus. Ian Wooten, a junior criminal justice major from Johnson City, Florida, described a few of the areas that he believes should have a bit more lighting. “Around Sorrel Chapel, the library and Malone area, I feel are the darkest parts of campus,” Wooten said. “There are parts like the woods that obviously don’t need light, but the walkways and parking lots feel much darker compared to the rest of campus.” Other students mentioned the same areas as Wooten, but also the other side of the amphitheater on McKinley Drive and John M. Long Avenue. “It feels as if when you hit the gravel lot behind the amphitheater, there is almost no light for the rest of the road,” said Gabby Powell, senior social work major from Irvington, Alabama. “Then there are always accidents happening right in front of the Trojan Village entrance.” The SGA has heard complaints about John M. Long before and has plans to work with the city to find reasonable places for speed bumps or other measures to improve traffic safety.

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