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  • Cassie Gibbs

School hosts tournament

Troy’s Hall School of Journalism and Communication is hosting its first golf tournament.


The tournament is meant to both raise funds for the school’s general fund and recognize alumni.


“We used to have an awards banquet to reognized alumni and current students,” said Jeff Spurlock, director of Hall School. “Over the years, attendance was not stellar. So we thought, let’s try something different.


“The awards banquets that we had in the past, we weren’t making any money. With this, we will.”


There are currently 13 teams that have signed up for the tournament. Spurlock said that signup for the tournament is available until Friday.


There is a $50 fee for students and alumni to attend the tournament, and a $60 fee for  anyone else who wishes to participate.


This fee covers lunch at Troy’s country club, where the tournament will be held, and 18 holes of golf.


“If you just want to come out and have lunch with us, and not play, it’s $10,” Spurlock said.


The tournament will be held Monday, March 23. Lunch will start at 11 a.m., and tee-off will begin at 12.

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