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  • Cassie Gibbs

Second library break-in

For the second time in six months, the library, located in Wallace Hall, has had a break-in to a “movable security structured safe,” according to a university police report.


John McCall, Chief of university police, said that the movable safe was a lock-box that had been emptied prior to the break-in.


“There was nothing of value inside the safe and it was not being used anymore by the library,” McCall said. “The library had chose to not use the lock box after the previous theft.”


This is not the first break-in at the library. There was a previous break-in in April, where a thief broke into the library’s safe and stole between $500 and $600.


In the April break-in, there was no sign of forced entry and a single check was left in the safe. It was suspected to be an inside job due to the safe being in an area only staff and faculty could access.


The most recent break-in caused damage to the lock box costing $300.


There were plans to add cameras in the second and third floors of Wallace Hall after the April theft.


According to McCall, no security changes will be made at this time because the lock box was no longer being used by the library.

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