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  • Grishma Rimal

Senate winners announced

The Student Government Association discussed the senate elections that were held Wednesday, Jan. 28, in Trojan Center Room 215 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. According to SGA Clerk Ryan Cole, a junior political science major from Athens, eight of the 10 open positions have been filled.


The winners of the elections are: Emily Cothran and Kirby Hutchins for the College of Education, Brooke Bishop for the College of Health and Human Services, Allyson Waldrop for Cowart Hall, Hannah Crews for Hamil Hall, Katrina Bokenfohr for Sorority Hill, Leandro Guimaraes Froes for Pace Hall, and Alyssa Crow for the at-large senator position.


Freshman Forum gave more details about its event, Hoopcoming. Campus organizations will be able to nominate one male candidate who will compete in a doughnut-eating contest during the basketball game between Troy and the University of South Alabama on Feb. 12. Two days prior to the event, SGA will also have tables set up in Trojan Center to fundraise for each candidate.


“People around Trojan Center can come and put money in the jar of the candidate of their choice,” said Patrick Rogers, a sophomore general business major from Dothan and Freshman Forum director. “Whoever raises the most money will be awarded as the king and will be allowed to use all the money combined and donate it to a charity of their choice in Troy.”


Up to 15 nominations will be accepted by Freshman Forum. The winner will be titled the “Hoopcoming All-Star” and receive a basketball jersey from the athletic department.


“It’s a great way to have student involvement by bringing students together, for one common goal: to support our basketball team,” Rogers said. “And also to throw some fun activities in there to make the students laugh and enjoy the game.”


Rogers said that he hopes this event helps improve the relationship between SGA and Troy athletics and brings students together to support their team for an important game of the conference.


The SGA placed Resolution 2015-13 on docket, which will re-label some traffic signs behind the nursing building that currently direct vehicles in the opposite direction of the natural flow of traffic.


Executive elections for SGA were announced and will be held on Feb 25.

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