Sarah Mountain Troy University’s Student Government Association (SGA) Student Welfare Committee introduced a resolution to keep the dining hall open later during its meeting on Oct. 29. Resolution 2019-010, introduced by Malik Moore, a sophomore global business major from Demopolis, Alabama, intends to extend dining hall hours by one hour on weeknights during the academic year. According to Moore, this resolution comes from complaints from students whose class schedules conflict with dinner hors. “This bill is important to me and the entire committee because our job is to aid in the well being of students,” Moore said. “At the beginning of the year, we placed emphasis on really listening to the students. “We pride ourselves in trying to work directly with students to make their experience here at Troy University the best it can be.” The resolution will be voted on at the next SGA meeting, but according to Moore, the final decision does not entirely rest on the vote of the Senate. “Should it pass in the SGA, it (the resolution) will be presented before a board who will determine its implementation,” Moore said. “They could determine not to implement it, or only for a definite period of time.” The resolution crafted for students with difficult evening schedules leaves Moore hopeful that this would bring relief for those students. He also wants students to know they are heard, and the SGA wants to work for them. One of these students, Bailey Clem, a senior risk management Insurance major from Tallassee, Alabama, agreed with the ideology behind this bill. “With night classes that start at 5 p.m. and end after the dining hall closes, I am usually stuck eating dinner at 4:30 in the afternoon,” Clem said. “I know its just a convenience issue, but it would mean a lot to me and many students whose schedules face similar issues.” While many students might agree with the resolution, some dining hall workers do not see the same benefits in keeping the cafeteria open later, including Jessica Bryant, a senior psychology and education major from Pensacola, Florida. “Students don’t realize that we employees don’t get off of work until as late as 10 p.m. some nights,” Bryant said. “Half of the staff is students, and we need time to study and do our assignments. “Some employees have kids or second jobs, too.” With all there is to be considered with this bill, Bryant wants the SGA to take into account all angles before making a final decision. The resolution’s adoption will be voted on Nov. 12 at the SGA meeting in Hawkins Hall, room 129 at 6:30 p.m. As always, the meetings are open, and anyone looking to voice concerns about policy are welcome to come.
SGA considers later Troy Dining hours
Staff Writer