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  • Cassie Gibbs

SGA holds Night Walk

The Student Government Association held its Night Walk Tuesday to look for hazards that might affect students safety at night on campus.


Those who participated in the Night Walk were asked to fill out comment cards with suggestions or observations.


Senator Mallory JayJohn, a senior math education major from Spanish Fort and chair of the Student Welfare Committee, said that the Night Walk was an important part of keep students safe at night.


“It’s a good time to go out once it gets dark and see how lighting and fixtures and anything safety related that’s going on around Troy, just to make sure that we’re keeping the best interest of the students,” Jayjohn said. “That can be anything from light fixtures to something as small as a brick being loose that someone could trip on.”


The SGA Night Walk is held every semester.


Freshman Forum will be hosting a “Bounce for Veterans” event on Nov. 12. The event will cost one dollar to attend. “Bounce for Veterans” will be held on Shackelford quad from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will include an obstacle course and baked goods. The money will go toward the Wounded Warrior Project.


Freshman Forum will also be hosting an international Thanksgiving Nov. 18, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Collegedale Church.


The SPARKLE Mentoring Club constitution was recognized by the Senate. The Tau Beta Nu Trombone Society and The National Dance Education Association Student Chapter constitutions were placed on docket.


The Tau Beta Nu Trombone Society’s purpose is to provide opportunities for professional growth through rehearsal and performance, commend the music and art of the trombone and to strengthen and unify the trombone section at Troy University.


The National Dance Education Association Student Chapter’s purpose is to organize performance opportunities for students, implement mentorship programs with incoming freshman or local, high-school aged dance students, make connections with community organizations to offer dance workshops or classes, administer the National Honor Society for Dance arts programs, raise money to benefit local dance initiatives and charity programs, sponsor guest teaching artists and other enrichment activities, host professional and career networking events with the state affiliate and other professional local organizations and prepare and submit a proposal to present at the annual national conference as well as provide social opportunities for intellectual and creative exchange of ideas.


The pep rally time has been moved to Friday, Nov. 7, at 5:30 p.m. and it will located at the band fields.


The Trojan Walk will be Saturday, Nov. 8, at 11:45 a.m. and will start at Tailgate Terrace.

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