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SGA invites students to send cards to church where mass shooting occured

Pradyot Sharma

The Student Government Association (SGA) at Troy has invited students to write letters showing support to members of First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, in the aftermath of the mass shooting on Nov. 5, which left 26 dead and 20 injured.


Sydney Cox, a sophomore elementary education major from Wetumpka, said she was moved when she heard about the shootings and wanted to contribute beyond money to make a difference in this situation; she came up with the idea to write letters.


“I was actually getting ready for class one morning when I saw this story, and it stuck with me throughout the day,” Cox said. “In this situation, money or donations weren’t really helpful, and I realized sometimes it’s not about material things.”


Cox said sometimes the most powerful way to offer help to people is by letting them know you care.


“I wanted the people who are grieving right now to know that they are loved, cared about and prayed for,” Cox said. “These cards won’t solve all their problems, but they will be a reminder that they don’t have to go through this tragedy alone.”


“For the SGA, it is great knowing that we have someone in a senate seat with a heart for others, and through such random acts of kindness, we as a student body ¾ and especially the Senate ¾ can think beyond ourselves and for others,” said Kaitlin Beyler, a junior biomedical sciences major from Alabaster.


Beyler said SGA has shown support for initiative, and she has already seen students, including senators, dropping by to put letters in the box in the SGA office.


Justin Brown, a sophomore criminal justice major from McCalla, said he felt it was his responsibility to participate in the card drive.


“I cannot begin to fathom the amounts of confusion, anger and/or grief that the families and friends of the victims feel at this moment,” Brown said. “Therefore, as a prayer warrior and a spiritual man, I felt as if it was my responsibility to participate in ‘Sympathy for Sutherland Springs’ and give those who were affected by this tragedy words of encouragement, strength, peace and love.


“I want them to know that they are constantly being thought about, prayed for and loved.”


Students can write letters or cards for the people at Sutherland Springs and drop them off in the SGA office by Friday, Nov. 17.




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