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SGA is anticipating collegiate conference

Asem Abdelfattah

Amber Voss, Alabama YMCA Collegiate Legislature Conference program director and a Troy alumna from Wetumpka, was a guest speaker at the Student Government Association meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 15.


“It feels like I haven’t left Troy,” Voss said. “It’s wonderful being back here with the SGA.”


Voss spoke about the Collegiate Legislature Conference and briefly shared her experience as an attendee before and as program director now.


“I attended the conference multiple times, and I loved it every time,” Voss said. “It is always a great place to network, express your ideas and experience being in the State House for a couple of days while having tons of fun.


“As program director, I’m glad I could give back to the program, serve students who attend and help Troy students benefit from this opportunity.”


Collegiate Legislature allows students the opportunity to take on a variety of roles which simulate the state legislative process, such as bill writing, committee meetings and legislative sessions.


Laken Berry, a junior social work major from Athens and chair of campus welfare committee, attended the conference last year and thought it was fun and informative.


“The conference is extremely fun and informative,” Berry said. “As college students, we get to spend time pretending to be senators and representatives debating real and pressing issues.


“I met a lot of really great people and became very interested in many topics that students would bring up in their made-up bills. Some of them were highly debated, including legalizing marijuana, making sodas only allowed for people 21 years or older and even requiring a purge once a year.”


This year’s conference will be held March 2-4 in Montgomery, and SGA hopes to take a group of interested students.


Berry expects this year’s conference to be as beneficial and enjoyable as every year and hopes that Troy students could go and gain experience, enjoy the activities and represent the school.


“This year I expect it to be just as fun with even more to debate,” Berry said. “Hopefully Troy will be bringing some good debaters to help show the other schools that we are well-versed and educated.


“I’m expecting some really interesting speakers, fun events and bills to discuss.”


The deadline to register is Thursday, Dec. 8. For more information, visit


The animal leash law resolution presented at last week’s meeting was tabled. This means it will be discussed and voted on by the Senate at the next meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 29.


The Table Tennis Club constitution was passed. The Troy Ad Club and Troy Study Abroad Club constitutions will also be voted on at the next meeting.


The Blackout football game is on Thursday, Nov. 17, against Arkansas State at 8:30 p.m. in Veterans Memorial Stadium. All attendees are encouraged to wear black and bring a white towel.




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