The Student Government Association kicked off the spring semester Tuesday night with discussions of the results of the library survey, upcoming vacancy elections and events for the rest of January.
Last semester, SGA gave students a survey regarding hours of library operation.
The results of the library survey were announced at Tuesday’s meeting. The majority of participants favored longer library hours.
According to the results of the survey of 592 students, 58 percent said that they did use the library, with 45 percent saying that they visit the library at least three days a week.
Seventy-one percent of those use it between 1-4 hours per week, and 66 percent said they stay until closing time. Eighty-one percent said that they did not like the current library hours.
58 percent want the library to be open 24 hours, while 26 percent want it to be open until 2 a.m.
Eighty-eight percent said they wanted it to be open 24 hours during finals.
Many students also requested additional features to the library, like a coffee shop and more study rooms.
The survey will be taken to the Library Advisory Committee meeting, and a request will be made to keep the library open until 2 a.m. during the school year and 24 hours during finals.
“We’ll see what they say, and if they don’t want to open it past 2 a.m., we’ll try to talk to someone higher up at the university,” said SGA academic committee life chair Farrah Gaston, a senior biomedical sciences major from Camden.
A resolution to add more lighting to the parking lot behind Smith Hall was also placed on docket to be voted on next week.
The resolution came about after SGA received numerous complaints from students and faculty members.
Vacancy senate elections will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 20.
Seven seats are available, including four at-large seats, one College of Arts and Sciences seat, one Sorority Hill seat and one graduate seat.
Applications, along with a $10 fee, must be submitted at the SGA office in the Trojan Center and can be found online at
Applications are due no later than Friday, Jan. 15, by 2 p.m., and more information on the duties of an SGA senator can be found at
On Tuesday, Jan. 19, SGA will have an information tent set up on Bibb Graves quad to answer questions about Troy University and SGA.