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  • Priyanka Sharma

SGA starts table to get student feedback in TC

The Student Government Association announced the implementation of an SGA concerns table to talk to students about concerns or issues that they think need to be addressed, at its meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 6.


This table will be set up in Trojan Center once a month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. It was also set up this past Tuesday.


“Students can talk anywhere from facility issues to student government issues with us on the table,” said Douglas Dick, an SGA senator and sophomore global business major from Panama City, Florida.


“They have an opportunity to come by, write a little response, fill out a form and talk to student government senators,” Dick said.


“I would really encourage all students to come by and give us some feedback. We want this to be the best campus for you.”


The SGA also started a discussion on providing funding for the crown that will be awarded to this year’s Miss Troy University pageant winner.


The SGA is also gearing up for various Homecoming activities that will be held throughout next week leading up to the Homecoming football game on Oct. 17. The theme for this year’s Homecoming is “Sound of the Trojan Spirit.”


“We need your support, so come out and support our football team and the events,” said Patrick Rodgers, a junior global business major from Dothan and SGA vice president of campus activities.


“All of these things will continue to happen if we go out and support them. Homecoming is all about what we make it, and it is a celebration of Troy.”


The SGA also passed the resolution, “Acknowledgement of Student Alumni Association,” to show appreciation for the support the SAA provided during Rivalry Week.


The SAA had sponsored various events and worked with the SGA in the organizing activities like the car bash.


The SGA also re-started the “Senator of the Week” award, which is provided to a senator in recognition of  his or her contribution and work as a senator.


Leandro Froes, a sophomore political science major from Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, was presented the award this week.

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