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Elizabeth Odee

Aries: Slow down and take a breather this week. After such a hectic week last week, it’s time for you to unwind and finally binge the new season of Outer Banks.

Taurus: Time to get your head in the game! Now is not the time to space out and lose sight of what’s important. Remember, you still need to pass that class to not take it again.

Gemini: Be mindful of who you’re around this week. I know it’s easy to get caught up in your own life, so make sure you take time to see things from others’ perspectives. Otherwise, you might make some enemies you don't even know about.

Cancer: You might not be talking to your friend, but do you even remember why? Open up some communication channels and be willing to hear out the other party.

Leo: Touch some grass. Please. Your body is begging for Vitamin D. It’s going to be a beautiful week, so spend some of that time outside.

Virgo: It’s October -- the Thursday of the year. Time for you to finally get ready for the end of the year. Make a Christmas list. Make sure you have enough money to buy presents for the people you want.

Libra: Now’s your time to shine, Libra! Take this week to discover your inner sparkle, and let it shine for the rest of your season!

Scorpio: Take a nap. Everyone can hear you snoring in class, and it’s getting annoying. Catch up on your sleep -- if not for yourself, for your classmates.

Sagittarius: Do you remember that money you borrowed three weeks ago? Maybe it’s time to pull up Venmo and pay that money back.

Capricorn: You had all last week to lay around. Now, it’s time to get serious. You’re back and better than ever. Hit the ground running, but don’t trip and fall on your face. People will laugh at you.

Aquarius: Just because your sign is the water-bearer doesn’t mean that you can slack off on drinking water. Go get a Route 44 ice water from Sonic and sip on that.

Pisces: You have to get up earlier. Stop waiting until five minutes before you have to leave to get out of bed. You’ve never left on time, and you won’t leave on time tomorrow either.

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