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  • Writer's pictureAdele Henley


Get some weekly insight with the Silly-Scopes!

Aries: Think before you change your major for the third time . . .  and maybe check with your adviser, too.

Taurus: You’ve survived the first full week of classes; now, it’s time to lock in for the rest of the semester.

Gemini: Slow down at the Trojan Center; you’ve already spent half of your flex points.

Cancer: You have a new roommate this semester? Take some time to get to know them!

Leo: Try to participate in class this week. It will impress your professor!

Virgo: Double-check that due date on Canvas. Trust me on this one.

Libra: Debating on joining that club? If you think it will make you happy, go for it!

Scorpio: Try going to some football games this year. They’re really fun!

Sagittarius: Stop putting off that one lab you have to take. It’s better to get it out of the way.

Capricorn: Don’t forget that the textbook is required for that class.

Aquarius: Set more than one alarm for your morning classes. You’ll oversleep if you don’t.

Pisces: Get your class crush’s phone number. Shoot your shot!

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