Students can use this special summer edition of the Tropolitan as a guide to help achieve success at Troy University. This edition is designed specifically for students participating in IMPACT summer orientation. Students who worked on this project as writers, editors, designers, photographers and advertising sales representatives include Kaitlin Beyler, Luke Brantley, Makayla Cameron, Victoria Cirilli, Emma Daniel, Liz Evans, Zach Henson, Cooper Jacob, Sarah Jones, Mingrui Li, Hannah Littleton, Chloe Lyle, Maya Martin, James Massey, Kendall Newton, Yee Hans Ng, Will Oliver, Yue Qian, Pradyot Sharma, Scott Shelton, Ashley Sulzby, Jixuan Tang, Alex Villari, Chris Wallace, Scott Watkins, Yunze Wu and Jiandong Xu. For most, the special edition was part of their work during spring journalism classes taught by Steve Stewart. During the fall and spring semesters, students publish the Tropolitan every Thursday as an extracurricular activity, not connected with any class. The Tropolitan covers news online at TropNews .com and can be found on Facebook (@Tropolitan), Twitter (@Tropolitan) and other social media. Other student media include the Palladium yearbook and TrojanVision television news. You need not be a journalism major to work on these media. Newcomers are welcome. Tropolitan and Palladium scholarships are available. For information about the student media or the Hall School of Journalism and Communication, call the journalism school office at 334-670-3583. Or email Robbyn Brooks Taylor, faculty adviser to the Tropolitan and Palladium, at
Special edition of Trop is guide for newcomers
Staff Writer