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  • Jill Odom

Speech Tournament to be held in Troy

The 23rd Annual Speech Tournament is to be held in the Trojan Center on Thursday, April 3, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. This competition is open and free to all Troy students and the overall best speaker will be awarded a $500 scholarship and a trophy.

The event is hosted by the Communication Club and the Hall School of Journalism and Communication and has several different categories.

The different portions are informative speaking, persuasive speaking, storytelling, prose in English and Spanish, and poetry in English and Spanish. Certificates will be presented to winners first, second and third place winners on each category.

Informative speaking is an original, factual speech in English composed by the student presenting it on a realistic subject to fulfill the aim of informing the audience. Multiple sources must be cited and notes may be used.

Persuasive speaking is an original, factual speech in English composed by the student that will inspire, reinforce or change the beliefs, attitudes or actions of the audience. Multiple sources must be cited and notes may be used.

Storytelling is the speaker introducing the mood, title and author of a children’s story, program of story cuttings connected thematically, an updated version of a well-known story, or an original story. No notes are allowed.

Prose is the selection of prose material with literary merit, which may be drawn from more than one source. Notes are allowed.

Poetry is a selection of poetry with literary merit. Selections must be centered on a central theme or a particular author. Poems must be recited from memory and no notes may be used.

All of the speeches will last three to five minutes.

Students may compete in up to three different categories and to receive the Overall Best Speaker Award, students will need to accumulate the most speaker points and compete in at least one interpretive event – prose, poetry, or storytelling – and at least one public speaking event, informative or persuasive speaking.

For those interested in the event, entry forms are in room 103 in Wallace Hall and return the forms to Ms. Kate Rowinsky.  The entry form deadline is on Friday, March 28, at noon.

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