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  • Cassie Gibbs

Student athletes host food drive

Troy University’s student athletes are hosting their annual athletic canned food drive.


All donations will be delivered to the Pike County Department of Human Resources and given to the families in the Pike County community.


SAAC, student athletic advisory committee, is heading the canned food drive.


Erin Woods, a junior human services major from Birmingham and civic engagement chair for SAAC, said that the food drive is a great way to give back.


“It’s important to help and donate to the athletic food drive,” Woods said. “It helps out the community of Pike County, a community that supports our school and athletics.”


This is the 10th year the student athletes have held the food drive, which began Nov. 3.


Each student athlete is required to bring four cans of food, though anyone is invited to donate as much as they would like. The goal for the food drive is 1,600 cans of food.


For anyone willing to donate, there are boxes in the athletic department buildings near all locker rooms and the third floor of the towers.


The deadline to donate canned food to the drive will be Nov. 20 at 5 p.m.

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