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Student composes ‘Opposition to Homosexuality’ essay

Franchesca Perez

Michael Hoye, a senior human services major from Birmingham, has completed a monthlong research project to uncover the biblical truths behind homosexuality.

Hoye was prompted to begin his work after a conversation he had concerning the concept of biblical marriage online.

He had shared an article titled “The Meaning of Marriage,” which contained Scriptures that painted an image of what biblical marriage looks like.

Shortly after, a man commented on the post in disagreement, stating that he believed the article to be misleading because many Christians now support and lead gay lifestyles and marriages.

The man suggested that Hoye explore, a Gay Christian Networking (GCN) website where individuals have access to a variety of resources as well as online communities.

On the website, people can meet and discuss various topics with users from all around the world.

According to the GCN website, its mission states, “We equip churches, educate lay people, build supportive communities, influence key thought leaders, foster self-acceptance, and advocate on behalf of the marginalized and oppressed.”

From there, Hoye stumbled upon an essay written by Justin Lee, the executive director of the Gay Christian Network, entitled “Essay A,” which can be found at

After reading this essay, Hoye was prompted to create an in-depth, Scripture-based essay of his own, opposing Justin Lee’s viewpoint while providing an answer to a popular question found within the church today: “Is homosexuality biblical?”

Titled “Opposition to Homosexuality Within Christianity,” Hoye’s essay provides an in-depth look at various Scriptures from the Bible that discuss homosexuality.

“My purpose for writing this article is to lead people who may struggle with homosexuality in Christianity back to the right path,” Hoye said. “It’s also for people who may need to defend what they believe in.”

Hoye’s essay is broken down into four main sections: an introduction section, an opposition section (in response to Lee’s essay), Hoye’s personal supporting arguments and a conclusion.

Within the opposition section, Hoye reacts to two of Lee’s supporting arguments, “Idols and Consequences” and “The Sinful Arsenokoitai.”

Hoye’s opposition to homosexuality within Christianity is emphasized in his conclusion.

“It is so clear and evident with the magnitude of Scripture speaking about marriage specifically about one man and one woman,” Hoye wrote.

Carleigh Sherman, a sophomore global business major from Tulsa, Oklahoma, and president of Troy’s Spectrum Alliance, read Hoye’s essay to provide insight from the perspective of a Baptist, LGBTQ+ supporter.

“Personally, I side with Justin Lee on this … What I do isn’t anyone’s business,” Sherman said. “What I do at home, my personal life, shouldn’t have to be a big deal. It’s between me and God.”

Selena McEwen, a senior psychology major from Rockford and a member of the Spectrum Alliance, believes that God’s interests lie outside of one’s sexual orientation.

“I don’t think that God really cares who you’re having sex with, just to be honest. I think that one of the main purposes of the Bible is to give a how-to on how to form a productive society,” McEwen said.

“The whole purpose of the Bible is telling you to love people and to follow God. … I think God cares about how you treat people and how you love them.”

Despite the difference in opinions, both Sherman and McEwen stated that they respected his opinion as well as his intentions for writing it.

Hoye stated that he is open to any comments, concerns and criticism from others and encourages students to read the essay.

“I am most certainly open to hear any kind of feedback from anyone. I specifically put my name in the essay, so that way if anyone wanted to make any kind of comment or criticize me they have the option to do so,” Hoye said. “I didn’t want to hide behind anything.”

In a message to the readers of his essay, Hoye emphasized that he had no intentions of offending anyone through his essay.

“I did this 100 percent out of love. I don’t want to come off as offensive at all. That wasn’t my intent,” Hoye said.

“If you do believe in homosexuality, I love you. None of this was for my glory or personal gain.”

The essay can be read at

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