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  • Madison Griggs

Student set apart by balance

When most people encounter an accounting major, they assume it’s all numbers, statistics and Saturday nights in, but 24-year-old Ozark native Holly Vernon defies these stereotypes.

In her sixth year at Troy, Vernon has taken a job as the graduate assistant in the accounting department on campus. She began as a history and political science double major, but changed course when accounting sparked her interest.

“Someone suggested it to me,” Vernon said. “They thought I would love it and said I’d make a lot of money. So I took Principles and really enjoyed it.”

As for her plans after graduation, Vernon already has a job lined up. In the past few years she has interned with Jackson Thorton twice, and has been offered a job with them in Montgomery.

“That’s one of the best things about accounting,” Vernon said. “I’ve had this job locked down for two years.” She went on to explain that in accounting, if you have a good GPA and you intern, the jobs seek you out. She’s had a luxury not found in most fields today — options. It’s no surprise that her department nominated her for Student Spotlight, but when asked about the nomination Vernon remained incredibly humble.

“I mean I guess I’m a good student, I have a 4.0. And I’m really involved,” Vernon said. “Really involved” seems to be an understatement. Vernon is president of the business fraternity on campus, is active in the accounting society, and is involved with several other organizations on campus and has been for quite some time.

Outside of her nice and important-looking office in the accounting department, Vernon reads nonstop and is a successful blogger.

“And I love anything to do with water,” Vernon said. She was supposed to make a trip to the beach for Spring Break, but her sudden onset of vertigo prevented her from enjoying the break. She definitely plans on making a trip as soon as it goes away.

Everyone has several things that set him or her apart from the sea of students here at Troy, and for Vernon one of those things is balance.

“I’m probably the most laid back nerd you’ll ever meet. I care about my grades, but I don’t stress about them,” Vernon said. The fact that she maintains a 4.0 and remains heavily involved in all of her organizations, all while not stressing says a lot about her. When prompted for any crazy stories from her time here at Troy, she laughed and merely replied with, “I just keep it real.”

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