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Students discuss ideal university

Mary Ferrell

It’s not uncommon to hear complaints about Troy from friends, classmates and even professors.

With Troy’s recent increase in tuition, students want to get the most out of their money and time spent obtaining a degree.

So, if the students were put in charge, what would they change?

As a consensus, the Trop found that students love Troy University, but there is always room for improvement.

Alex Nelson, a sophomore math education major from Pell City, would like to see some changes when Trojan football rolls around.

“If I could change anything on campus, I would switch up the game day entertainment,” Nelson said.

Nelson would bring tailgates closer together and bands to entertain waiting fans.

Nelson also hopes to see a connected student body one day. Although he knows that there are a lot of opportunities to connect with foreign students, Nelson wants to break down the barriers even more.

“I see international students all the time, but they do not seem approachable. I want to know them deeper, and I wish the cliques would disperse.”

Yhlas Jorayev, a sophomore computer science major from Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, said that the “barrier” Alex Nelson wants to break down is not as large as he thinks.

“I’m connected enough,” said Jorayev, who is friends with the whole spectrum of Troy’s student body. Jorayev said that there are plenty of opportunities to connect with foreign students.

Instead, he would like to see changes in the gym.

“The gym needs to be bigger so there is no line,” Jorayev said.

Jorayev also would like to see a men’s soccer team.

Andrea Gallman wants to expand her college experience into the city. She said that she would appreciate different shopping options and a “face-lift” to clean up the city.

“I love my campus, but the city is lacking,” said Gallman, a sophomore elementary education major from Gadsden. “There is such a big divide. I don’t know about stuff going on in town.”

Many students said they are not content with the food options on campus.

“The dining hall should be open more,” said Jordan Rich, a sophomore business major from Harpersville. “The hours aren’t convenient for a lot of schedules.”

Other students want more options, such as Leah Livingston, a sophomore broadcast journalism major from Miami. She said she wants to see healthier and more diverse meal options on campus.

“The only healthy food we have on campus is salad,” Livingston said.

Students cannot be Chancellor Jack Hawkins Jr. for a day, but this does not mean that they do not have a voice in what happens on campus.

There are several organizations on campus that facilitate tailgates, such as the Student Alumni Association.

There are many organizations on campus that bridge the culture gap between international students and American students, such as Conversation Partners and Tea for Troy. These groups can help international students with understanding the English language and American students with the different cultures within the student body.

There are several volunteer programs in the city of Troy that offer students opportunities to help out in the community, which can lead to more opportunities as well. Sign-up sheets for volunteers can be found in Eldridge Hall.

The dining services welcome suggestions at their feedback stations found in the cafeteria.

Finally, students can start a movement or a club through the office of Student Involvement if they want something changed.



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