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Students establish apologetics club

Pradyot Sharma

Earlier this week at the SGA’s weekly meeting, the constitution for Ratio Christi, a Christian apologetics club, was approved, making it the newest Christian organization on campus.

Ratio Christi is a Latin phrase that translates to “Reason for Christ.”

In an academic setting where a majority of the student body identifies as Christians, Ratio Christi is the first organization that advocates “encouraging and strengthening the faith of Christian students through the use of intellectual investigation and apologetics,” according to their website.

“Scripture commands us not only to develop our heart, but also our minds, and Ratio Christi seeks to help university students fulfill this commandment,” said Jenna Viets, a junior communication major from Dothan and president of the newly recognized club.

“The purpose behind the club is to bring together faith and intellect to help students understand the reasons behind the Christian faith regarding what we believe rather than just doing it on tradition,” she said.

Many students are excited about the new platform that will provide them with an opportunity to discuss their faith and be equipped to defend it by logically presenting their worldview.

“I am excited about the establishment of this club as it will be a great way to gather information and discuss intellectual barriers facing Christians,“ said Clay Graham, a sophomore psychology major from Moulton, who is a member of the club.

“I think it is very important for people to learn how to defend their faith because so many young Christians are aware of specific Bible verses that they think are good enough to justify their faith, but when faced with an actual debate with someone holding an opposing view, they realize that it is not adequate,” said Parker Guttensohn, a sophomore communication major from Montgomery.

“The Bible tells us that we are supposed to always be prepared to give answers if anyone asks the reasons for the hope that is in us,” said Viets.“I think that is something that is lost in some Christian organizations and churches so often nowadays where faith is based largely on personal experiences or testimonies of personal experiences rather than the rationality and reasons for Christianity.”

Brennan Maddox, a junior biomedical sciences major from Dozier and vice president of the organization, supports this main goal, but also hopes to gain insight from students with different perspectives.

“Our main goal is to get Christian students to address questions on their faith from an intellectual perspective. Nevertheless, we welcome questions from people with different world views,” said Maddox.

“I have always been interested in Christians knowing why they believe what they believe and Ratio Christi provides a great platform for us to challenge each other on the tough questions that Christianity attempts to answer.”

Viets also stressed the importance of ensuring Ratio Christi was open to all students of all backgrounds.

“We welcome people of all denominations and faiths, be it Muslims, Hindus, agnostics or atheists,” she said. “Even though we are a Christian apologetics club, we want to foster an environment where everyone can engage in discussions and provide a safe venue for everyone to investigate the claims of Christianity.

“This organization isn’t designed to replace any campus ministry or function like them, but rather to foster an environment of intellectual discussion and provide students a platform towards addressing pressing issues of the world from a Biblical perspective.”

The first meeting will be held on Monday, March 13 at 5 p.m. For more information, contact Jenna Viets at .




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